General Questions

What are the benefits of unlocking the full version?

We spent of time creating and perfecting Soap Genie. And we hope you love it! The free version has our full AI to help you out, but some restrictions are in place to entice you to upgrade to the full version. When you unlock the full version – which is a one-time purchase, no recurring fees! – you gain access to 80 oils/waxes instead of 5, you can save an unlimited number of soap recipes instead of just 5, you can print the soap recipe (which includes the soap's INCI label), and you can set the price of each oil – which helps you to find the cheapest soap that exactly matches your requirements. Above all, you help to finance the further development of Soap Genie. This includes keeping Soap Genie up-to-date as well as adding new great features!

I'm trying to save a soap but I can't.

This feature can be restricted to users who unlocked the full version of the app. Soap Genie only allows you to save a soap recipe from the calculator when it has found a valid soap recipe, or when the total percentage of oils adds up to 100%. In addition, unless you have unlocked the full app, you can only save 5 soap recipes.

I only see 5 oils in the calculator.

This feature is restricted to users who unlocked the full version of the app. Once you unlock the full version of the app you gain access to 80 oils/waxes. If you have unlocked the app previously, you can click on Restore to restore your previous purchase. Also, if you previously deselected oils to show in the calculator, don't forget to go back to settings and chose Select and . In this screen you can select and deselect individual oils to include or exclude them from the calculator screen.

How can I print my recipe?

This feature is restricted to users who unlocked the full version of the app. Click on the export icon on the soap detail screen to get a PDF of your soap recipe. You can save this PDF, or immediately print it if you have a printer with AirPrint support.

How can I obtain the INCI for my soap?

This feature is restricted to users who unlocked the full version of the app. Click on the export icon on the soap detail screen to get a PDF of your soap recipe. At the bottom of the page you'll find the INCI information for the soap.

I am vegetarian/vegan and/or I have a nut allergy.

Go to Settings and toggle the option for Only Vegetarian, Only Vegan, or Only Nut-Free. Soap Genie takes your preferences into account and no longer shows you oils that do not match these restrictions. Alternatively, if you don't want to use certain oils or have an allergy to specific oils, you can also go to settings and chose Select and Price Oils. In this screen you can select and deselect individual oils to include or exclude them from the calculator screen.

I want to change the oils shown in the calculator.

This feature is restricted to users who unlocked the full version of the app. Go to Settings and chose Select and Price Oils. In this screen you can select and deselect individual oils to include or exclude them from the calculator screen.

I want to set the prices of the oils.

This feature is restricted to users who unlocked the full version of the app. Go to settings and chose Select and Price Oils. Tap the right-hand side of each oil/wax. You can enter the price of the oil/wax here. When you don't set a price for an oil but you do select it in the Calculator, and you chose to optimise for low price, then Soap Genie first tries to find a soap with the oils that have a price set up and only then starts including oils for which no price is known.
Soap Recipe Calculator

How do I create a soap?

To create a soap, start by selecting the soap properties. This includes the weight of the ingredients, the type of lye, the amount of superfat, and the water content. Then, tap on the name pf the oils you want to include in this soap. Soap Genie right away shows you the soap recipe it calculate on the left-hand side. If you have requirements for an oil or wax you can tap the right-hand side. In this way you can set an oil to be an exact, minimum, or maximum amount or percentage. If you want, you can alter the desired properties of the soap, as well as the item you are trying to optimise. Furthermore, you can select the fragrances you want to add to your soap. Don't worry about the exact quantities. Soap Genie once again does all the work for you and calculates the optimal amounts. When happy, click at the top on the add symbol to turn these results into a soap recipe.

How can I change the desired soap properties?

Each soap has a number of properties, such as its hardness and it cleaning power. In general, you don't want a soap that cleans too harshly, but similarly you also don't want a soap that has no cleaning power. By tapping on Desired Properties you can edit the desired values. By default, Soap Genie sets these values to ranges that are often found appealing by most users. Of course you can freely modify these to your needs. To modify the lower range, first tap on the lower number and then click on the — and + to modify the value as desired. To modify the upper range, first tap on the higher number and then click on the — and + to modify the value as desired. At any time you can reset these values to their defaults by clicking the reload icon at the top.

How can I change the desired soap properties?

When setting the soap properties you can opt for the weight to apply to only the oils, or to the entire batch. When selecting batch, Soap Genie does all the work for you to ensure that the weight of all the ingredients sums up to the weight you chose. When selecting oils, the weight you set is the total weight of the oils. On average the total weight of the ingredients will be about 50% higher as the weight for the lye, water, and fragrances has to be added.

What is superfat?

When you make a soap you create a chemical bond between the lye and the oils. However, lye is a dangerous product and you don't want to end up having lye left that did not react with the oils. For that reason, recipes typically have an amount of superfat. This is an excess of oils that ensure that all the lye has been neutralised. In addition, superfatting creates a soap that is better at moisturising the skin. As such, a higher amount of superfat can be used to counteract a soap that has a low conditioning value.

What is optimise?

Soap Genie searches through millions of soap recipes. To be able to pick one for you, you need to make sure Soap Genie knows which soap property you want to optimise. A good choice is INS, which is a general indicator of how good a soap is. If you want to optimise for another property you can select it here. A particularly useful option is to find the soap with the lowest price. Within your requirements Soap Genie then selects the soap that is the cheapest to make.

What are fragrance notes?

Different fragrances have different notes, which identify how pronounced they are and how quickly they evaporate. Top notes often are refreshing scents which quickly vanish, whereas base notes take longer to manifest themselves but linger for a long time. When using fragrances, a good combination of all three notes helps to create a full-bodied sensory experience. Soap Genie employs its AI to work out an ideal quantity of the fragrances you have selected. As an aid, Furthermore, Soap Genie underlines fragrances which are good matches for those already selected. However, what matters the most is that you enjoy the smell. It is therefore no problem if you do not follow the recommendations. Experiment away by mixing these essential oils separately, ensure that you like the aroma, and start over with your own quantities if you are not quite happy with the result.

The results do not (perfectly) match other calculators.

Soap genie aggregates saponification information fron various sources for best accuracy and calculates soap properties based exclusively on the properties of the fatty acids of the oils/waxes. As a result, there may be slight (but altogether insignificant) differences when comparing values with other calculators.
Recipe Box

How can I change the image on my soap recipe?

Go to the soap detail screen and tap the image and give access to Soap Genie to access your photo library. You can then select the image you want add to your soap recipe.

I want to find a soap similar to an existing one.

Open the soap detail screen and scroll to the bottom. Click on Find Similar Soap. The calculator screen is loaded for you with all properties set up and all oils selected. You can now deselect the oils you don't want to use. As you do so, Soap Genie updates the right-hand side of your oils and shows you whether or not a soap can be made with the selected oils to closely match the same properties as the soap you are starting from.

I want to find a replacement oil for my soap.

When you run out of an oil, or use an online recipe that sadly includes an oil you don't have, Soap Genie can still help you out by finding an alternative without that oil. To do so, go to the soap detail screen and scroll to the bottom. Click on Find Replacement Oil. The calculator screen is loaded for you with all properties set up and all oils used in that soap selected. Unselect the oils you don't have, and select the oils you are would do want to use. As you select and deselect oils, Soap Genie does all the hard work in the background to find an soap recipe as close as possible to your original one. If this works, you can see the result on the right-hand side. When you're happy with the result, add the soap recipe by tapping the Add symbol at the top of the screen.
Soap Qualities

What is hardness?

Hardness predicts how hard a soap will be. For making a soap bar, you don't want the soap to be too soft. You also don't want a soap that is too hard which would be uncomfortable to use.

What is cleaning?

This is a predictor of how good the soap is for cleaning. When you use a soap for cleaning it should have some cleaning abilities, but it should not be so harsh as to irritate the skin. When you have a sensitive skin, opting for a soap with a lower cleaning rating can be a good choice.

What is conditioning?

Conditioning determines how good the soap is at keeping your skin moisturised. When the conditioning of the soap is not high enough, you run the risk of having a soap that dries the skin out. This can, in part, be counteracted by increasing the superfat percentage.

What is bubbly?

This is an indicator of how good your soap is at creating a lather. A soap with a high value for bubbly (good at creating a lather) often is much worse at creamy (maintaining a lather) and vice versa. Soap Genie does its best to optimally balance these values for you.

What is creamy?

This is an indicator of how good your soap is at maintaining a lather. A soap with a high value for creamy (good at maintaining a lather) often is much worse at bubble (building up a lather) and vice versa. Soap Genie does its best to optimally balance these values for you.

What is iodine?

This value is a combined indicator of how soft your bar will be and how good the conditioning property of the bar will be. Lower values give bars that are softer and with more conditioning, and vice versa. Soap Genie does its best to balance this value for you to reach an optimal soap.

What is INS?

INS is a general indicator for how good a soap will be. Too low an INS results in a sub-optimal bar, but so does too high an INS. A theoretically ideal bar has a value of 160. Nevertheless, only relying on INS is not sufficient. While a good INS value is necessary to have a good bar of soap, also the other soap properties need to have good values.